I am an ordained Interfaith Minister, offering counseling, custom written weddings, life ceremonies: I completed the 2-year seminary degree of the One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in New York. I was ordained in 2013. In 2008, I earned a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology from The Leadership Institute of Seattle. Additionally, I am a certified Journaling and Poetry Therapist. I have also trained and served as a hospice volunteer.
I am a Humanist. I believe the mysteries of the unseen are just that: mysteries. Some things are just unknowable, and I am okay with that. I am skeptical of any faith that claims to know the name and will of any god. Throughout history, religion has been used by the powerful (of many major religions) to control people through fear. Love and respect for others and the Earth are my highest intentions. I do not spend time contemplating the supernatural. My philosophy is Earth-based and relationship-centered. In fact, after years of study and consideration, I consider myself an Atheist. And I consider religious freedom to be of utmost importance; in that spirit, I encourage clients’ personal philosophical and faith exploration rather than adherence to ideas belonging to others. In mutual respect, we find freedom.
In my view, we are all One. And, our peace is dependent on our awareness of our profound and essential interconnectedness with one another. Our personal responsibility is to grow, so that we can live in an ethical and loving way. But, we do not live alone on the planet: We are part of the interconnected web of all life on Earth. We are mutually responsible in deep and complex ways. From the Sanskrit, the word Namaste reflects my highest intentions: the sacred in me honors the sacred in you. And we all walk this Earth together.
My husband and I married in 1983. He and our family are the most important treasures in my life. My relationships with family are precious. Family is the crucible in which we grow ourselves. That growth begins in childhood with our family-of-origin and continues with our immediate family and our circles of friends, our community. As a Community-based minister, love is my philosophy and kindness is my intention.